Kudos QA and Education

Something we’re all passionate about at Kudos is that we recognise the importance of investing in the young talent of tomorrow. Hands on experience and specialist training play such critical roles to encourage young people and help them pursue their ambition of working in the games industry.

Worth an estimated £5.7billion, the UK gaming sector offers numerous career opportunities for keen video game enthusiasts - from designers and programmers to writers, animators and audio engineers. An excellent place to start out is gaining a steppingstone into the industry through QA Testing. Trainees can learn all the basic elements of what makes a game successful and is the perfect way to begin their journey into their dream career. We partner with a range of different education institutions to bring these opportunities to students who are interested in breaking into the world of gaming or a creative career.

What can we offer educational institutes?

We also offer Site Visits

At KUDOS QA we’re extremely proud of what we do. We want to offer people the opportunity to see the environment we work in and the cool things we do. If you, or one of your students, would like to visit our testing HQ then get in touch - we’d love to have you.

Interested? Let us know